

  • 借鉴学习操作系统(Linux内核源代码已超过2700万行)的方法,借助实验把重要概念涉及的主干技术路径叙述清楚( Linux内核版本为4.19.0,QEMU版本为4.1.1),解读现代主流开源虚拟化KVM/QEMU的源码,读者也可以通过调试和打印直观理解虚拟化场景的“现场”,使静态的代码变得鲜活生动,通过实验来理解重要概念。

  • 针对新型“多虚一”,本书讲述了开源项目GiantVM的CPU、内存和I/O“多虚一”的基本实现方法,这也是国际上第一个Type II开源多虚一的实现方案,有助于了解多虚一方面的进展。

  • 基于ARMv8的华为鲲鹏虚拟化架构,并概述其CPU、中断、内存、I/O和时钟虚拟化的基本原理,也对ARM虚拟化进行了比较系统的介绍,便于和x86的实现进行对比。

  • 类似于代码量约1万行的Linux 0.11,“麻雀虽小、五脏俱全”,本书基于内存安全的Rust语言从零开始打造一个具备基本功能的轻量级虚拟化平台StratoVirt,逐步提供CPU、内存和I/O的虚拟化能力。从开始运行一段汇编代码到最终能够运行Linux客户机操作系统,读者可以完整经历虚拟化从设计到实现的全部流程。


本书的源代码及安装运行说明均保存于 GiantVM 和 StratoVirt开源社区。后续将通过开源社区进行代码更新和线上交流。

GiantVM 社区

StratoVirt 开源社区


Prof. Shen Hong Visits and Gives a Talk

Prof. Shen

Privacy-preserving Data Sharing against Malicious Attacks

Recent years have seen a remarkable development of privacy-preserving computing (PPC) as an effective way to achieve secure distributed computing and information sharing across a public network that are of critical importance for network-centric computation and big data analytics. Recent advancement in cloud data sharing techniques has made traditional PPC techniques unable to effectively against emerging malicious attacks such as shilling, collusion and inference attacks.

In the first part of this talk, I will first introduce the problem of privacy-preserving computing, its research challenges in cloud big data computing, then give a taxonomy on data protection techniques categorized on the security levels of data publishing, with the focus on differential privacy as an effective method to combat malicious attacks, and provide an overview on our contributions in privacy-preserving computing. In the second part, to show the power of differential privacy for secure data sharing, I will give two examples of our work in applying differential privacy to achieve privacy-preserving recommendation and data clustering against collusion and inference attacks. Finally I will conclude the talk by displaying our ongoing research projects.

Autumn outgoing

Our autumn outgoing’s destination is Mogan Mountain in Zhejiang province. We climb mountain and play the “Werewolf”. Everyone just enjoyed themselves and took a break from computer.

Autumn outgoing

Yongqiang Gao's Paper is Seleted as the ESI Highly Cited Paper

Paper Title: A Multi-objective Ant Colony System Algorithm for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing

According to the high reference thresholds in the corresponding fields and publication years, the number of citations of this high-cited paper has been included in the top 1% of the same publishing year in the Computer Science academic field until March/April 2018.

Gao's Paper