Title: Model-driven software composition: from flow languages to natural languages
Time: Nov. 12, 2:00 PM
Place: 5407 Software Building
Software models can be used to drive the execution of systems built out of the composition of reusable components delivered as a service. In this talk we describe how to construct a chain of model transformations which turn concise natural language descriptions of service compositions into flow-based architectural models, which are then used to generate Java bytecode for efficient and scalable execution. We will illustrate the approach with several examples from the Web 2.0 Mashup domain and discuss how to progressively raise the abstraction level of software models while ensuring that these can remain sufficiently expressive and fully executable.
Cesare Pautasso is assistant professor at the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Lugano, Switzerland. Previously he was a researcher at the IBM Zurich Research Lab and a senior researcher at ETH Zurich. His research group focuses on building experimental systems to explore the intersection of model-driven software composition techniques, business process modeling languages, liquid software architectures and autonomic/Cloud computing. His teaching, training, and consulting activities both in academia and in industry cover advanced topics related to Web Development, Business Process Management, Enterprise Software Architecture, Service Oriented Architectures and emerging Web services and Middleware technologies. He is an active member of IEEE and ACM, where he has served as program chair of the 8th European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2010) and the 7th International Symposium on Software Composition (SC 2008), and the general chair of ECOWS 2011. He has also started the series of International Workshops on RESTful Design (WS-REST) at the WWW conference. He recently co-authored a book on “SOA with REST”. For more information see http://www.pautasso.info